Send your document for digital signature in 5 easy steps

Upload your PDF, Word or Excel document

Select the signatory or signatories

Set the deadline for signature

Add a personalised message for your signatories

Send the document for digital signature both nationally and globally

Why you should choose SignIt

Unique Branding

Feature your personal and company logos and designs on emails and screenshots shown to your customers, partners and suppliers when they sign your documents.

Free Personal and Encrypted Archive

Receive a personal and fully encrypted archive to store and secure your documents and agreements.

Send Files Directly from Outlook

This feature allows you to send documents for signature directly from Microsoft Outlook and Word. It saves time by removing the need to switch between applications, making the process of signing and sending documents even more streamlined.

Identity Protection

When signing documents with digital IDs and passports, you can trust the identity of the signatory, providing peace of mind in knowing exactly who you are doing business with. With this added level of validation, you can focus on growing your business and leave any concerns about identity verification to us.

Digital Identity and Signatures - A Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Alternative

By using SignIt, you can make your signature management fully digital and eco-friendly. Eliminating the need for postage and envelopes not only helps you save resources but also contributes to the protection of the environment.

Sign Multiple Documents with Multiple Signatories

With SignIt, you have the ability to have multiple signatories sign your documents. With our Company Plus or Enterprise plans, you can even determine the order of signatories and send multiple documents at once, making the process of collecting signatures more efficient and streamlined.

Version Controlled API

"Version Controlled API" refers to the fact that SignIt's API (application programming interface) is designed to allow software developers to integrate SignIt's digital signature solution into their own software applications. The API is version-controlled, meaning that changes and updates to the API are made in a controlled and structured manner, to ensure compatibility with existing software integrations and avoid any disruption to functionality.

Deadlines and Automatic Reminders

Deadlines and Automatic Reminders refer to two features of SignIt that help ensure timely signature of your documents. With SignIt, you can set a deadline for when you need your document signed, and automatic reminders will be sent to the signatories to remind them of the deadline. This ensures that your documents are signed and returned to you in a timely manner, saving you time and effort in chasing signatures.

Goodbye to transportation and paper waste!

With SignIt, you make your signatures digital and simultaneously save money on transportation, printing, envelopes, and shipping - a much more climate-friendly solution. Experience the convenience and sustainability of digital signatures today.

Create an account and start enjoying the benefits of digital signatures today